A valuable lesson in marketing an online store

reading and researching

When developing a website, especially an online store, marketing becomes very important. If you do some research one of the first marketing tips you are likely to hear is to define your buyer persona. I wrote a blog post about this some months ago. I have done quite a lot of work to try to figure out who my buyer persona could or would be.

Then I made a major change. Instead of researching how to set up an online store or how to sell your art online. I have been learning a lot about key words to help with the notebooks and journals I create and suddenly had an idea of a change to make I began to search for how to set up an online gift store. I just added one word to describe the kind of store I am building. I have gained so much by making this slight change in what I type into google or YouTube that I decided to make a video to share a little more. In the video below, I share some of the impact this subtle change has had on my journey and on helping me to figure out some details of my buyer persona.

Altering the search for what I need to learn in order to make this online store successful is not the only change that I have made in the last few months. Another important change is to reduce interacting in online occupational therapy groups and to switch to following several artists and creative people. I felt bad about this for the first few months, but I have to admit, time is limited and my current goal is to improve my art and creative skills and to learn more about marketing art.

Developing and marketing an online store

Pretty soon I found myself wondering whether I should mention that I am an occupational therapist or just leave that in the background and focus on my art and writing. I don’t yet have an answer to that. I do use the knowledge and experience I gained in my years of being an occupational therapist. This knowledge is so helpful for the journals and workbooks I am creating, not to mention insight for my kindness club. For now, I will leave that as a question and continue to enjoy the growth and change that is happening by following artists who are successful and create videos for fellow artists to help us along our journey.

How about you, what kind of goal are you working towards? Are you making any major changes in your life? If so, what have you found to be helpful?

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