Interview with Elliot Edelstein from Oktium


Interview with Elliot Edelstein, Director of Sales of Oktium.

Before I get into the interview, I’d like to add that I was networking with those I am connected with on Linked In and got to chatting with Elliot. I decided to take a look at the website listed next to his name and I am so delighted that I did. It’s an absolute experience. I love innovation and creative ideas, so I invited Elliot to join me here for a Q&A style interview. Without further ado, let’s get to the interview.


Hi Elliot, it’s been a pleasure meeting you and getting to know your product. Thank you for agreeing to join me in a Q & A interview.

I took a brief look at the Oktium website and was amazed. It’s like an extension of wherever you are. Can you tell those of us who have not heard of Oktium before, what is Oktium?


Oktium is a combination of two words most notably oculus which means eye, the balance means “opening doors”.


Can you share some of the background as to how this was developed?


Absolutely, our original founder Olda Matusek, travelled to Florida and was hit with an abundant amount of requests from friends and family for specific items, being innovative and a software person he began development on this platform for an easier and intuitive way for clients to contact stores directly from home or business with a click.


I love that, coming up with an innovative solution to the needs of her friends and family. What are the goals of Oktium?


To transform the retail environment, create more foot traffic and still retain human to human contact that is still necessary.


That’s quite a goal. Thinking about the video I watched on your website, it makes me think of someone who is housebound for whatever reason, it gives them the opportunity to participate in an event or sale or store. How easy is this App to use? Is it accessible to the disabled?


Yes it is, a simple click and you connect immediately in real time. The platform is intuitive and can be used by anybody in any situation.


Who would be best suited to use Oktium and how will it help them?


Retail which has lost over 65,000 jobs in 2017. This would empower retail to re-establish a connection with a lost base, and from a marketing standpoint make it easy for customers to reach out directly. It also will help retain clients that may have multiple customer service issues with products by getting questions resolved immediately.


Is there a cost and if so, how does pricing work?


Pricing is dependent on the vertical, we have multiple levels depending on amount of users from a store perspective.


Thanks Elliot for sharing so much about this fascinating new technology. Is there anything else you would like to share about Oktium.


This is the future, and this platform application is completely customizable and can integrate all processes from CRM, POS systems and API

And all transactions are encrypted and secure.


It certainly is an experience and I see a lot of potential for it. Here are a few images of the Oktium App.

Oktium in use
In the above image, a woman is showing flowers to someone on the other end of the phone, tapping in via the App.

The Oktium App

In the images above and below, one can see the same scene and people. In the first the person wanting to show an item is waving. In the image below, we see the car he is showing.

Demo with Oktium

For further questions, contact Elliot via the Oktium website

Signature for Shoshanah with Web Address

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