Progress and Decisions

Sign of this way or that way

We have so much going on that I decided to take a few moments to write a post about our progress and decisions. Just as the image above depicts the ladders up the steps in our process to succeed, so we are taking steps. Many steps. Sometimes I feel that there are not enough hours in the day to complete all the steps. But I must admit, it is wonderful to have a look at all the progress.

Ladders going up steps in our process

A few weeks ago, I was sitting with my mom, marking and cutting out squares of material that she pinned and I tacked and she then made into beanbags. We were finally settling down to make some stock for my OT treatment room. As we worked together I realised, this is it! This is what I have wanted for so long. My mother and I have so many talents in common and experience that complements one another. My mother is a talented, retired teacher and I am an OT. So our making beanbags together was just perfect.

When the beanbags were ready I looked at my Mom and said, “you know, we could sell these on my site too. I am sure there are many out there who would like beanbags and don’t have the time or skill to make them.” So stay tuned, the beanbags have been photographed and are in the queue for being added to the store.

Since it is well and truly winter, my Mom decided it is the perfect time to knit. So she has been busily knitting up adorable winter beanies for babies and young children. We have a lovely stock of 20 at present. They’ll be added to the store in due course. Before I get to that, I am finishing off uploading all the beaded jewellery.

So here we come to a few decisions.

Decisions to make

Sign of this way or that way

As I am uploading stock, improving categories etc I have a few decisions I need to make. What category do you prefer?

“Hand painted” or “painted on fabric” that will include all our products that are painted by hand e.g. cushions, table mats and T-shirts OR, a category for cushions that include hand painted cushions, applique and embroidered cushion (still to be uploaded)? It’s a fine line and perhaps there is no right or wrong answer. Which do you search for? Which should I set as the category and which as the tag?

Still in the area of categories, would you prefer “sewn items” or “toys” or “Kids Products” We have not really put any items that are made by sewing. We have our beanbags and a cushion that have to go up. We also have some lovely fabric that we need to decide what to make out of it. We’ve thought about tote bags or bags for knitting. We’ve thought about bedding for dolls strollers. Do you have any other ideas of what to make with beautiful, pink floral fabric?

Do you have any thoughts? Do you have any suggestions?

My next decision is whether to keep the home page and perhaps improve it or whether to remove that and have the first page that is visible as the storefront? I originally had just the storefront. Then I added the home page due to a request. I’m not completely happy with the home page. It’s next on my list to edit. Any thoughts would be most welcome.

Thanks for your input. If you like the items you see in our store, please do sign up for our newsletter. We’ll be adding a gift or discount for those who subscribe. Currently deciding what to offer as a gift. Oh dear, again back to decisions.

Have you developed a store to sell your art or creative products? Did you find the decision making as overwhelming as I do? I’d love to hear how you found setting up your own online store.

Thanks for your help

Signature of Shoshanah

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