Bringing the Hebrew Letters to Life

One of the oldest creative professions connected to Jerusalem and the Jewish people is the profession of Sofrut. Sofrut is an all encompassing craft. It’s the link between the Jewish people and G-d, the Master of the universe. There are many parts to this ancient profession, one of them being the writing of ritual texts such as the Torah scroll, Mezuzah or Tefillin.

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Progress and Decisions

We have so much going on that I decided to take a few moments to write a post about our progress and decisions. Just as the image above depicts the ladders up the steps in our process to succeed, so we are taking steps. Many steps. Sometimes I feel that there are not enough hours in the day to complete all the steps. But I must admit, it is wonderful to have a look at all the progress.

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Why I Became an Artist

I have a lot of work to do on this website, but first, I decided to answer a recent question. Someone asked me why I became an artist. The truth is I could turn that around and ask why I did not become an artist or did I? What do I mean by that? Well I mean why did not choose art as my profession.

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