History Behind This Store

History Behind This Store

As with many things in life, there has been a series of events that lead up to the development of this store. So, enjoy a cup of tea or coffee while you read the history behind the development of this store.

History Behind This Store

Allow me to backtrack for a bit. When I was still at university, I had an idea or vision really, of a centre that I wanted to develop. The centre is based mostly on occupational therapy but with a large focus on a range of arts and crafts. Quite simply because I love to create and hence I use creativity in my work a lot. Once I obtained my degree, I had to get some experience behind me and to pay off my tuition. As a result I took the first job offered to me. Yes, as an occupational therapist. However, my health was a challenge and so, each time I was off sick I would spend time involved in art. Every place I went, I gained ideas for the centre that has been a dream for years now.

During a stop back in South Africa after time spent in the UK and the US, I faced the affirmative action and so decided to begin working towards this dream centre. Some of my time was spent in starting a private practice, some of my time was spent creating items to sell, some of my time was spent selling these items and some was spent in developing a business plan.

Moving to Israel

When I made Aliyah, I had a plan, sadly many factors got in the way of it’s success. My idea was to work in salaried facilities until I was financially stable and on the side to build a private practice. I never expected working in Israel to be as difficult as it is, or at least as it has been for me. Finally, after having a work injury with no compensation, I was forced to work from home again full time. I had a few ideas and some services I began to offer. With each of these, funding was required. As a result I began my Bayit Chadash Store. A challenge arose as to how to categorize or brand this store. I had done my research and discovered that in the US, UK and even Australia, there are thrift stores and op-shops with new, unwanted items and the sales of the items being more than just $1 or ₪1. The pricing was 15-20% discount on regular sales price. I tried to start something similar. I had ideas as to how this would develop and hoped in time to add job creation and other opportunities.

Do take a look at the video for some insight as to what I was working on.

Challenges of our Bayit Chadash Store

As time progressed a few things happened.

  • My mother made Aliyah too and came to join me
  • My sales were not on the level I needed and in Israel people could not or would not accept my pricing
  • Collecting the items was extremely time consuming which took away from my developing my private practice
  • The store needed space. It already took up most of a room in the apartment I was living in and needed to expand. Concurrently I had to move and the place we moved to no longer had enough space for my OT equipment and the Bayit Chadash Store.

What to do? What to do?

I thought about my store and although I enjoyed sitting in the room, I had to admit there were other items I wanted to sell. I missed my art and as long as I was spending time collecting things I lacked the time to do my art. I also thought about some of the items in the store.

zebra charity box

The Process Towards Change

Some of the items were fascinating and enabled me to re-use them to create something else. However, there were two items that really made me stop and think. Two very beautiful charity boxes, created as ornaments. One as a zebra as seen above, the other as a panda. Inside the very attractive box that was lined, was a card or rather a note. The note informed the buyer or recipient of the ornament that a percentage of the sale of these attractive items would go to support an animal related project or service. The prices – I found that these generally sold for prices that were not cheap either. In addition, aside from these two charity boxes was a whole range of ceramic items. Something made me stop and think.

Perhaps, instead of trying to fund my centre by selling low cost items, I needed to embrace the idea of selling items in a higher price bracket. Well now, that has required quite a mind shift and a change of direction.

The items from the Bayit Chadash went to an orphanage in Jerusalem. Perhaps in time we will bring it back but for now, we are concentrating on this website. If you enjoyed the slideshow above and would like a slide show either for your business or for a personal need e.g. to capture a memory, please be in touch for a quote. We’d love to prepare one for you too.

Once again, the fee for the slide show will enable us to earn in order to progress in my journey towards bringing this very special centre into being.

As to the goal of starting a treatment centre, yes this is still a goal. Related to the service I was developing to help orphans with a view to helping widows too. I am currently altering what I was doing. While I do some research and revamp my ideas, my current focus is to make this website financially viable. In order to have a good solid foundation to our centre, the first widow and her child to strengthen is my mom and myself.

I hope you will enjoy the products we have for sale. We have lots more in store and many more ideas. In time we aim to begin workshops, craft groups and more. If you are in Jerusalem and have an interest in joining a craft group or workshop, please be in touch. Also do sign up for our newsletter to hear of our latest developments, new products coming up, any specials and when workshops etc will be happening.

Have any question or like to place an order? Drop us a line or put your question in the comments below.

Signature of Shoshanah


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